30.11.22 - Hello Again
now playing
It's difficult to figure out what to type once I'm actually on here. Still trying. One day it will become more automatic and less pushing-to-do-it.
I've put a 45 minute timer for the Twitter app and I seem to go over that limit. Some days I don't. Good progress? I guess we'll see.
I am moving houses again. Not because the last place was shit (although I do have fears the ground will fall right under me) but it has done wonders for my mind and body. Gone are the days of constant dust up the nose, thanks in part to regular vacuuming and stuff. I missed that, even if there wasn't anything obvious stopping me from doing so.
Games I've been playing lately
- Marvel Snap
- Ghost Recon Breakpoint (remembered that Splinter Cell is turning 20 this year, could play those games but they aren't as expansive or even on PS4)
- Fortnite (not so much lately I've hit 100 and don't really care about the other shit)
- Beatstar (because it's just fun)
- Untitled Goose Game (on to the speedrun mode now, pretty wild, but if you do a lot of things too quickly the bots will get confused as to putting which items back where they belong and you end up losing a lot of time)
- also sometimes Halo if I'm upstairs
and now i have to go upstairs for the second time and get more maltesers
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